🏡 home Code-vid: yasm utf string ops
2020 May 26

> Code-vid: yasm utf string ops

From the previous work in UEFI images, I got a new itch: extend yasm to support nasm's utf string ops.

For a minimal example, I wanted to write

; example.s
dw __utf16be__("hello")

and have

$ yasm example.s  -o example.out
$ od example.out -x
0000000 0068 0065 006c 006c 006f


yasm is a C codebase that's currently split into a frontend and a backend. The "frontend" encompasses the tokenization and parsing of source code, and the "backend" encompasses assembling codes and data into an object file.

My change would need two things implemented:

the first naturally fits in the "frontend" code, and the second in the "backend".


yasm uses a cool preprocessor called "re2c" to generate its tokenizer as C source. I'd never heard of it before, but the tool reads essentially annotated C source and generates some state machine code from the annotations.

I've used yacc and the like to produce parsers for toy langs before, and the theory is very similar, but re2c seems a little closer to a pure C state machine parser. I think it's pretty neat, and while many modern languages cry about extensibility, it's kind of a self-inflicted problem with programmers who are uncomfortable writing parsers, preprocessors, and code generators. Source code is (usually) just text, so every language can be seen as just a compile target for a slightly more powerful language.

Anyway, I'm only interested in extending the nasm parser, so changes go in modules/parsers/nasm where I added a new token type of STRING_OP that is emitted by any matches on __utf*__ style prefixes.

Some snippets of adding the encoding data are below:

// type def libyasm/coretype.h
typedef enum yasm_utfenc { UTF8 = 0, UTF16LE, UTF32LE, UTF16BE, UTF32BE } yasm_utfenc;

// struct def modules/parsers/nasm/nasm-parser-struct.h
    struct {
        char *contents;
        yasm_utfenc enc; // <- added this
        size_t len;
    } str;

// usage modules/parsers/nasm/nasm-token.re 
    /* string/character constant values */
    '__utf16__' | '__utf16le__' {
        lvalp->str.enc = UTF16LE;
    '__utf32__' | '__utf32le__' {
        lvalp->str.enc = UTF32LE;
    '__utf16be__' {
        lvalp->str.enc = UTF16BE;
    '__utf32be__' {
        lvalp->str.enc = UTF32BE;

Next I added parsing rules that STRING_OP should be proceeded by '(' STRING ')'. When that sequence of tokens is matched, a new data value is created with the value of the STRING token which is encoded according to the STRING_OP. The actual encoding is done by some "backend" code.

// modules/parsers/nasm/nasm-parse.c
    if (curtok == STRING_OP) {
        yasm_utfenc enc = STRING_val.enc;
        if (curtok != '(') { ...ERR... }
        if (curtok != STRING) { ...ERR... }
        dv = yasm_dv_create_string(STRING_val.contents, STRING_val.len, enc);
        if (!dv) {
            yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_GENERAL, N_("error encoding utf"));
        if (curtok != ')') { ...ERR... }


I used unicode's documentation as well the helpful w3m documentation on different unicode encoding and decoding schemes. I won't recreate the specifics here, but the higher-level was

  1. if the output is utf8, then just copy input to a dataval object and return that
  2. set utfenc to the proper (16/32bit) encoding function, and be to true/false depending on if the encoding is big-endian or not
  3. if there's no more input, then create the dataval from the buffer and return it
  4. else decode a 32bit codepoint from input
  5. encode the codepoint using utfenc and be and append to the buffer
  6. go back to 3

steps 3-6 are copied in a snippet below:

// libyasm/bc-data.c
    unsigned int cpt;
    int j=0;
    buf = yasm_xmalloc(bufn);
    for (int i=0; i<len;) {
        if (j > bufn)
            goto encodeerr;
        int read = next_codepoint(&cpt, raw+i, len-i);
        if (read <= 0)
            goto encodeerr;
        i += read;
        int wrtn = utfenc(buf+j, cpt, be);
        if (wrtn <= 0)
            goto encodeerr;
        j += wrtn;
    bufn = j;

If you want to read the actual implementation it's available currently on a PR.


I really wanted an automated way to test this things worked as I expected, luckily the yasm project has some testing setup I could use. I found it a bit tricky to get setup and running, and was basically compiling the testing code and running them manually because I couldn't get the whole test running scripts to work.

$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make $$ cd ..
$ cp build/yasm yasm
$ make test_hd
clang     test_hd.c   -o test_hd
$ srcdir=$PWD
$ libyasm/tests/libyasm_test.sh
Test libyasm_test: ...........E.......................... +37-1/38 97%
 ** E: incbin returned an error code!
$ cat results/incbin.ew
-:1: error: `incbin': unable to open file `stamp-h1'

I have no idea what generates that stamp-h1 file, but all the other tests pass, which makes me think I'm pretty much good.

I decided to add my own test to exercise the code I had added and written. I only tested the happy cases of each string op, and I didn't manage to find meaningful codepoints to test surrogate pairing in utf16* encodings or longer utf8 clusters. I have no reason to believe it won't work for higher codepoints, but they're currently not tested.

Similarly, no idea if I added a data leak or not. The parser code, and some of the backend code does allocations and frees that were throwing me off, and it's unclear to me who owns what data that get's passed around, caller or callee.

The PR

There's a PR open to add this feature to yasm and where I've asked some questions about testing and data leaks above, but I haven't seen a lot of movement on that codebase or the PRs, so I don't have a lot of hope for it. While this was a fun dive into a foreign codebase, I wonder if people are using some other opensource nasm-like assembler, and that's why development on yasm has stagnated.

Some Corollary Thoughts

It was a nice stretch, and along the way I cemented a couple insights into myself: The first is that I really like reading and implementing clear specs. I guess the alternative is just hacking something together, and I like that too, but there's an enjoyment I get from perusing the encoding/decoding specs in unicode that I really miss in hack projects.

The second is related to the re2c program used in the yasm source and is more a feely thing in that that I am comforted knowing that I can extend any language I want to by writing preprocessors and compilers for more interesting languages on top of it.

I write a lot of Java in my day job. It's been a slog getting Lombok accepted, which is a text preprocessor that reduces a lot of repetitive, almost formulaic Java boilerplate. I can't imagine trying to pitch custom DSL's or any other preprocessor to my team or any other team I know. I can think of many ways to implement a DSL on top of other base languages, but I like the simplicity of just including a transpiler in your project instead of relying on syntactic extension features or text macros.

Having leaned into Rust a little more, and weirdly doing a lot of prolog on the side, I still like C for hacking and testing ideas. I really like the more general idea, however burdensome, of extending a minimal base language with DSLs that to do what I want, instead of jumping to a higher-level language just to use a couple things I don't understand.
