🏡 home Syntax Capabilities
2023 Oct 11
updated: 2023 Oct 19

> Syntax Capabilities

I have a bit of a half-baked idea in my head. It is based on the complaints around having programming languages that are too powerful or complex for the task at hand. I think you should have some annotation to dumb down the language allowed in a file.

For instance, Starlark0 was created to simplify the runtime semantics of python. This allowed people to write bazel configuration in a syntax that was familiar and allowed certain programming constructs, but wasn't so powerful that they needed a full python interpreter. All the examples on "Accidentally Turing Complete"1. These were all intended to be simpler languages, but with the introduction of some construct became powerful enough to simulate any other program.

Another instance of a place where you want a language that is powerful enough but not too powerful is eBPF2. There is a verifier that tries to make sure your code is not creating infinite loops or other nasty runtime behaviour. This can be enforced by restricting the language itself to disallow unbounded recursion or unbounded loops, but C allows both of those. Related is real-time computing requirements, which can include restraints like "this block of code should complete within some number of cycles/amount of time". These problems can be solved by writing programs in C and implementing some static analysis, but as I understand, that static analysis is hard to write, and can require manual annotations or edits to the source to please the analysis.

Lastly, languages like C++4, Rust5 or Zig6 all have syntax to indicate "this code should be run at compile-time" usually referred to as "constant expressions", and usually compile-time evaluation is restricted (but not always, for instance there's a Jai demo where he runs the full game with network calls and file IO at compile time). The reason constant evaluation is often restricted is that it should be fast because people don't like waiting on compilers, and people (aka me) generally like reproducible builds that don't depend on having the exact same build environments down to the processor and whatever ip address your build machine had at the time of building, so that information should be abstracted away at compile-time evaluation.

So my half-baked idea is this: a type system with a capabilities tailored toward restricting syntax to ultimately restrict semantics. I want to be able to write config in the same language I write my program but my config parser should be significantly simpler than my source code interpreter.

With that in mind, I think file-level is a nice boundary, specifically because it's simple enough to check for some line at the beginning like

# capabilities: record,nat,constexpr

foo = {
  a = 4,
  b = 5,
  c = const 4*4,

//bar = fun() { ... } // XXX ERROR, function declaration not permitted here, requires the fun capability


# capabilities: fun[const]
double = fun[const](a: nat) { const(a + a) }
// sillyhead = fun[const]() { http.get("https://example.com") } // ERROR, http.get requires apply capability, which is not present in fun() [const]-> ? 

I'd like it to be part of the type system to also distinguish between runnable scripts and definitions of runnable functions intended for compilation. Eg

# capabilities: apply,fun
double = fun(a: nat) { a + a }

# capabilities: fun
double = fun(a: nat) { a + a }
triple = fun(a: nat) { double(a) + a }
// triple(4) // ERROR, this requires apply capability

I think the set of capabilities will have to be closed to ensure someone doesn't expect their config parser to understand their magic frobnicate capability that they added to their config files so they can frobnicate all over the place. I think the most complex I want to get is something like F-omega with subtypes7, maybe with linear typing because we'll have kinds anyway. I don't want dependant typing because I suspect it makes implementation much more difficult judging by different languages' hesitance to add features that require dependant typing8.

I think there's some prior art in "carving config languages out of general purpose language" for instance JSON10 and RON11. I think there could be a benefit to making this more formal, and I think capabilities are the way to do this.

For a reason why this should be part of the capabilities+type system, consider that you want to define a function which can be compiled to an eBPF program, along with the source around it that handles loading and running the eBPF.

# capabilities: fun
double = fun[const](a: nat) { a + a }
prog = fun[apply,const](a: nat) { double(a) }
silly = fun[recurse](a: nat) { silly() }
main = fun() {
  ebpf.run(prog); // OK
  ebpf.run(silly); // ERROR, ebpf.run has type fun(fun(nat) [apply,const]-> nat) -> (), but silly has type fun(nat) [recurse]-> !

I'm not sure how I both allow compilation to a target platform, but also to wait to compile until runtime (like in the eBPF case, we want an eBPF binary version of prog not an x86 binary version of it), maybe with some other type of constructor that indicates "compile this to the runtime target" :shrug:, like I said, half-baked.

As for why anyone (aka me) would want this. I want to be able to write config in the same language I write my normal data structures in. However, I also want the tools I write to parse config files to remain simple and not have to implement a cylindrical type checker because there's nothing stopping someone from adding homoslopical equivalence types to my 12-factor app's config file so we can set boolean config variables to "1", "true", "T", or "norway"; and anyway it's already in the reference compiler for the general purpose language, so we can just copy it from there.
