🏡 home Syntax Capabilities pt. 2
2023 Nov 16

> Syntax Capabilities pt. 2

As per my previous post, I think there are benefits to restricting which language constructs are available in a certain scope. I'm thinking of what the downsides could be, and one of the things that comes to mind is the different cases in Rust where some language construct works in some spot but not in others. For example, "impl trait" syntax in Rust is loosely a way of saying a type exists that implements a given trait, but without naming that type. It's used in function signatures either as syntactic sugar for generic input types, or as a way of returning opaque types

trait Trait {}
struct Bar;
impl Trait for Bar {}

// this is a sort of normalized form of the fn signature
fn foo<T: Trait>(a: T) -> Bar { Bar }
// with impl Trait syntax, we can abbreviate input types
fn foo_in(a: impl Trait) -> Bar { Bar }
// or we can elide output types
fn foo_out<T: Trait>(a: T) -> impl Trait { Bar }
// we can even do both
fn foo_inout(a: impl Trait) -> impl Trait { Bar }

It can be used in a lot of places that a type can be used...but not every place. This is kind of frustrating. For instance, async relies on return position impl traits or "RPIT" so

struct Bar;
async fn foo() -> Bar { Bar }
// is actually
fn foo() -> impl Future<Output=Bar> { ... }

So here syntax (impl Trait) is allowed in function returns, but frustratingly, it is not allowed in trait method return position ("RPITIT"), so

trait Trait {
  fn foo() -> impl OtherTrait; // ERROR: not allowed

This same kind of frustration came up for me when learning C. In C, you can define functions and values in the file scope, and you can define values and call functions inside a function, but you cannot (without non-standard extensions), define functions inside functions or call functions at file scope. So we run into some annoying errors like

int foo = make_foo(); // ERROR: can't call functions in static scope
int foo2 = 2; // all good

int bar() {
  int quux() {} // ERROR: can't define fuction in function
  int foo3 = make_foo(); // all good

I'm not sure if I have an answer to this other than: keep syntax as consistent as you can. I mean, when I read programming language theory papers, they usually don't have a bunch of exceptions in their grammars, it's rather something like

 var x,y,z
expr e ::= n | e(e) | fun(x: t) e | let x = e in e
type t ::= nat | t -> t

There's not instead

expr(file) e_f ::= n | let x = n in e_f | fun(x: t) e
expr(fun)  e   ::= n | let x = e in e | e(e)

because it is cumbersome to keep a bunch of sort-of equivalent expression grammars in your head. I don't really have a theory for why restricting grammar with explicit capability syntax is better than having implicitly many similar grammars other than in this case explicitly having to list which syntax of all available is available in this context forces people to think about it more. Maybe I can also add some kind of reasoning and theory around this instead of simply having a bunch of ad-hoc rules in actual languages like "oh you can't do that here because we haven't implemented it yet".

I think part of making the capabilities explicit means people will be more likely to keep to certain well-defined subsets. This reminds me of roc's concept of platforms which kind of codifies conventions used when targetting different environments or usecases. I also recently saw Niko Matsakis' post on profiles in Rust which seems to be targetting the same issue.

Lastly, this feels similar to a type-and-effect system, where capabilities are like effects, except I think of this as a closed world, so there is a bounded universe of the most unrestricted language, and that is what the reference compiler must handle, but there are many little restricted subsets which simpler programs can parse, execute, or transform easily, with a very simple and explicit marker that the syntax is restricted to a known subset.
